Our Story & How we Started
We started as a café back in the 1990's selling coffee to our regulars and tourists in Chichester. Then along with our coffee bean supplier we started a business selling ESE coffee pods on line, it was still the early days of the internet but we gave it a go and started selling ESE Coffee Pods on-line, these we imported from suppliers in Italy, as Illy Coffee had just 'invented' the ESE Pod (Easy Serve Espresso)
The first few years we really didn't sell much but it was the early days of internet shopping so we stuck at it and gradually the business grew and grew as the popularity of ESE coffee pods began to make ground.
We were doing fine selling coffee pods on-line but knew in our hearts of hearts that we wanted to produce our product as by doing this we could increase the range of coffees that we had to offer our customers, and develop blends that would suit the UK palate.
So I started on a mission to find some of the best coffee roasting schools in the world, and after much research went on Coffee Roasting Courses, starting at first at the London School of Coffee, and then travelled to Vermont, USA to the International Coffee Labs ‘School of Coffee’ under the teaching of Mané Alves I attended an intensive roasting course back in 2014.
Then it was onwards and upwards, finding the right premises here in Somerset, researching the best Coffee Roaster, coffee grinder, and all the other equipment required to produce a perfect cup of coffee
Sounds all very easy?
Unfortunately not, at first it was hard getting consistency of roasts and leaning when the “first crack” and “second crack would be with different density green beans, and how just a couple of degrees in roasting temperature could and will affect the flavour of a coffee bean.
The difference in roasting on cold days, damp days, figuring out the moisture content of the green beans and how that would affect the roast.
Trial and error, learn by your mistakes cupping blend after blend that was us, we spent more time scratching our heads, and reading all we could than roasting but it was time well spent.
We got there in the end we were happy and more importantly our customer were happy. In fact we still roast some of the roasting profile we developed back in the early days when we got the odd roast profile right!
We still thought of ourselves as a coffee pod company roasting and then grinding and packing the coffee into ESE coffee pods and we were asked time and time again if we could supply just the coffee beans in the same flavour profiles, we had Cafés and coffee distributors asking us to supply them.
We started listing a few of our coffees in bean form on our website, and soon found cafés and hotels wanted our coffee and started supplying to the trade. Initial this was by word of mouth but now we have a dedicated website aimed just at trade customer who want great coffee, as our elevator speech says:- The Taste you Expect, BUT at The Price You Don’t
We also have another sister website that lists Compatible Coffee Capsules for Nespresso, Lavazza, and K-Cup coffee machines, and you can also set up a subscription so you never run out of your favorate coffee.
So where are we now, well we're still that same original Roasting Company, still very much hands on still a artisan Coffee Roaster just a bit larger than when we started.
Still concerned about getting consistent roast, and flavour profiles and getting the best beans. Still concerned but getting the coffee to you at a cost effective price.
After a few years we decided to start t marketing our coffee to Home Coffee Connoisseur. With the price of coffee going up so much more and more households are looking to purchase in bulk to save money.
And the café where it all started in Chichester, that's a betting shop now I guess you can still get a coffee there but not the kind we sell.