Daterra Sweet Bourbon ESE Coffee Pod

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Daterra Sweet Bourbon Espresso

ESE 44mm Coffee Pod - Pack of 50 -

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Daterra is a coffee grower and exporter best known for its innovative research, its respect for the environment and its high quality coffee.

Quality and sustainability are the passion of Deterra.

Plantations are located in the Cerrado region (State of Minas Gerais) and in the

Mogiana region (State of São Paulo).. in Brazil.

Technology, research and attention to the environment during coffee production have led Daterra to be known as one of the best coffee producers in the world.

Daterra was Brazil's first sustainable coffee farm. In 1999 Daterra became ISO 14001 certified and in 2003 became Rainforest Alliance certified, another first for Brazil.

Daterra’s values revolve around massive investment in research, quality improvement, solid partnerships and responsible governance, environmental protection, and social development.

Daterra grows its own seedlings and uses organic composting in 100% of the plantation.

Sweet Bourbon Coffee;

Bourbon Collection is a blend which combines red and yellow Bourbon beans grown on the Daterra farms. The component coffees used to create the Bourbon Collection may vary annually in order to maintain the quality and consistency of the blend

So what can you expect from the cup?

Syrupy sweet and nutty with distinct notes of creamy milk chocolate and cookies, with complex fruity flavours in the finish.

A really great flavour combination, I love it :-)

  Rain Forest Alliance         

Convection Roasted - Packed in 50 x 44mm single pods individually foil  packed 7 grams per pod

Origin Facts


Certifications     Utz Certified, Rainforest Alliance, IQNet

Fair Labor Practices         25-40 children receive child-care and schooling while their parents work at Daterra; medical facilities, housing, and transportation are accessible to all workers; a portion of Daterra's proceeds funds the Educar Foundation, which improves education and distributes over 14 million books to children and teenagers.

Habitat Preservation        Organic compost made of cherry skin, felled trees, and other consumable organic matter; zero waste farm; created a 7,000 acre natural preserve; reclaimed savannah, waterfalls, lakes, and streams.

Water Conservation        Water treatment and reclamation

Seed to Cup

Farm Name         Daterra Estate

Farmer The Paschoal Family owns and operates Daterra Estate

Mill        Sorting and milling is done on the farm

Process                Blend of natural and pulped natural coffees


Farm Type           Several estates

Farm Size             17,000 acres

Growing Area     10,000 acres is allocated to coffee; 7,000 acres is a dedicated preservation area.

Altitude                3250 ft - 3,900 ft

Soil Type              red rich soil

Shade Type         varied

Varietal                The estate grows 10 varieties: Red and Yellow Bourbon, Red and Yellow Catuai, Red and Yellow Icatu, Mundo Novo, Aramosa, Caturra, and Typica

Blend Characteristics       Bourbon Collection is a blend which combines red and yellow Bourbon beans grown on the Daterra farms. The component coffees used to create the Bourbon Collection may vary annually in order to maintain the quality and consistency of the blend.


State      Minas Gerais and São Paulo

Region Sub-tropical region of the Cerrado in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil and Franca in state of Sao Paulo.

Country                Brazil

National Production        46.7 million bags per year

Production Rank               With 2.4 million hectares of coffee farms, Brazil is #1 in world coffee production